Boundary Check vs Try-Catch | theapache64
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Boundary Check vs Try-Catch

Published: at 03:00 PM


During the day 4 advent of code 2024, I noticed the above meme in Reddit 😄. I got curious about the performance of both approach and thought of benchmarking it

👨🏼‍💻 Code

Full Code: Boundary Check

enum class Direction(
    val rowVal: Int,
    val colVal: Int
) {
    TOP(-1, 0),
    LEFT(0, -1),
    BOTTOM(1, 0),
    BOTTOM_LEFT(1, -1),
    TOP_LEFT(-1, -1),

class Day4 : Puzzle() {
    override fun solve(): Pair<Int, Int> {
        return part1().assertAndReturn(2554) to part2().assertAndReturn(1916)

    private fun part1(): Int {
        val charMatrix = input.lines().map { line ->

        var count = 0
        for (rowIndex in 0..charMatrix.lastIndex) {
            for (colIndex in 0..charMatrix[rowIndex].lastIndex) {
                val char = charMatrix[rowIndex][colIndex]
                if (char == 'X') {
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.TOP).ifTrue { count++ }
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.BOTTOM).ifTrue { count++ }
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.RIGHT).ifTrue { count++ }
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.LEFT).ifTrue { count++ }
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.TOP_RIGHT).ifTrue { count++ }
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.TOP_LEFT).ifTrue { count++ }
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.BOTTOM_RIGHT).ifTrue { count++ }
                    charMatrix.isXmas(rowIndex, colIndex, Direction.BOTTOM_LEFT).ifTrue { count++ }
        return count

    private fun part2(): Int {
        val charMatrix = input.lines().map { line -> line.toList() }
        var count = 0
        for (rowIndex in 0..charMatrix.lastIndex) {
            for (colIndex in 0..charMatrix[rowIndex].lastIndex) {
                val char = charMatrix[rowIndex][colIndex]
                if (char == 'A' &&
                    (rowIndex - 1) >= 0 &&
                    (colIndex - 1) >= 0 &&
                    (rowIndex + 1) <= charMatrix.lastIndex &&
                    (colIndex + 1) <= charMatrix[rowIndex].lastIndex
                ) {
                    val topLeft = charMatrix[rowIndex - 1][colIndex - 1]
                    val topRight = charMatrix[rowIndex - 1][colIndex + 1]
                    val bottomRight = charMatrix[rowIndex + 1][colIndex + 1]
                    val bottomLeft = charMatrix[rowIndex + 1][colIndex - 1]

                    val isGoodLeftDiagonal =
                        (topLeft == 'M' && bottomRight == 'S') || (topLeft == 'S' && bottomRight == 'M')
                    val isGoodRightDiagonal =
                        (topRight == 'M' && bottomLeft == 'S') || (topRight == 'S' && bottomLeft == 'M')

                    if (isGoodRightDiagonal && isGoodLeftDiagonal) {

        return count

    private fun Boolean.ifTrue(onXMAS: () -> Unit) {
        if (this) {

    private fun List<List<Char>>.isXmas(rowIndex: Int, colIndex: Int, direction: Direction): Boolean {
        val sb = StringBuilder()
        var rowX = rowIndex
        var colX = colIndex
        repeat(4) {
            if (rowX < 0 || colX < 0 || rowX > this.lastIndex || colX > this[rowX].lastIndex ) return false
            rowX += direction.rowVal
            colX += direction.colVal
        return sb.toString() == "XMAS"


To benchmark with try-catch I changed the isXmas() to this

private fun List<List<Char>>.isXmas(rowIndex: Int, colIndex: Int, direction: Direction): Boolean {
    repeat(4) {
        try {
        } catch (e: IndexOutOfBoundsException) {
            return false

and part2 function to this

private fun part2(): Int {
    for (rowIndex in 0..charMatrix.lastIndex) {
        for (colIndex in 0..charMatrix[rowIndex].lastIndex) {
            if (char == 'A') {
                try {
                } catch (_: IndexOutOfBoundsException) {

You can see the diff in a better way here in GitHub

🤹🏼 Benchmark

For benchmarking, I’ve used kotlinx-benchmark. The benchmark code looks like this

import kotlinx.benchmark.*

class DayBenchmark {
    private final val day = Day4()

    fun prepare() {
        day.input = readInput(day::class.simpleName!!)

    fun solution(): Pair<Int, Int> {
        return day.solve()

📜 Result

To run the benchmark I ran ./gradlew benchmark and here are the result


Warm-up 1: 437.972 ops/s
Warm-up 2: 444.304 ops/s
Warm-up 3: 442.620 ops/s
Warm-up 4: 442.364 ops/s
Warm-up 5: 442.061 ops/s
Iteration 1: 444.587 ops/s
Iteration 2: 441.780 ops/s
Iteration 3: 436.347 ops/s
Iteration 4: 443.501 ops/s
Iteration 5: 445.080 ops/s

  Success: 442.259 ±(99.9%) 13.628 ops/s [Average]
  (min, avg, max) = (436.347, 442.259, 445.080), stdev = 3.539
  CI (99.9%): [428.631, 455.887] (assumes normal distribution)

main summary:
Benchmark               Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
DayBenchmark.solution  thrpt    5  442.259 ± 13.628  ops/s

Boundary Check

Warm-up 1: 509.007 ops/s
Warm-up 2: 512.232 ops/s
Warm-up 3: 525.101 ops/s
Warm-up 4: 518.687 ops/s
Warm-up 5: 540.757 ops/s
Iteration 1: 539.403 ops/s
Iteration 2: 541.845 ops/s
Iteration 3: 543.221 ops/s
Iteration 4: 543.562 ops/s
Iteration 5: 543.709 ops/s

  Success: 542.348 ±(99.9%) 6.945 ops/s [Average]
  (min, avg, max) = (539.403, 542.348, 543.709), stdev = 1.804
  CI (99.9%): [535.403, 549.293] (assumes normal distribution)

main summary:
Benchmark               Mode  Cnt    Score   Error  Units
DayBenchmark.solution  thrpt    5  542.348 ± 6.945  ops/s

putting this in a chart, it looks like this


✍🏼 Conclusion

The bounday check approach shows 22.6% better performance. This can be attributed to several factors

  1. The boundary check method uses explicit conditional checks before accessing matrix elements, which allows the JVM to optimize the code more effectively.

  2. Try-catch blocks introduce additional runtime overhead. Creating, throwing, and catching exceptions are relatively expensive operations compared to simple boundary comparisons.

  3. Explicit boundary checks might be providing (not sure about this) more predictable code paths for the JVM’s Just-In-Time compiler.

Pleas note that this performance number can vary based on specific use cases, JVM versions, and hardware. Always profile and benchmark in your specific context 🙌🏼